Dairy free yogurts offer a solution for those who are lactose intolerant, have a dairy allergy or who may be eliminating dairy as part of a weight loss regimen or plant-based diet. The nutrition of dairy free yogurt in the market varies. Some dairy free yogurts have been fortified to have similar nutrition to dairy yogurt through the addition of calcium and vitamin D. Some may have additional vitamins added like vitamin B12. Calories and fat will vary depending on the type of dairy free yogurt – an almond based yogurt may have a different nutrient profile versus an oat-based yogurt. However, some products do not have the same nutrition as dairy and; therefore, may not be a replacement for dairy unless the consumer has a dairy allergy or is lactose intolerant.
If you have a question about whether dairy free yogurt is right for you or your family, please consult with your healthcare provider.
Oui by Yoplait Dairy Free does not have the same nutrition as dairy and therefore may not be a replacement for dairy unless the consumer has a dairy allergy or is lactose intolerant.