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An aerial shot of a luscious green forest with trees everywhere.

How to Celebrate Earth Month

At Oui, sustainability is one of the key reasons we use glass pots for each of our yogurts. We carefully pour our ingredients into glass pots to set; not only creating deliciously smooth yogurt but in a container that can be easily recycled or better still, reused.

That’s why Earth Month is special to us. It’s a great time for everyone to reflect on their sustainability efforts and how we can nurture the relationship we have with the planet. But what exactly is Earth Month, how can we celebrate it and how can each of us do our bit towards a greener future?

What is Earth Month?

Earth Month falls in April each year, continuing the Earth Day movement that began in 1970. It’s a time to celebrate our planet, as well as raise awareness of climate change and the steps we can take to combat it.

The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970, which saw 20 million Americans take to the streets to demonstrate against the impact of the country’s industrial growth. It marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement and continues to be one of the biggest days of protest in the world.

Today, over 1 billion people in more than 190 countries across the globe take part in Earth Month activities and initiatives.

An aerial shot of green trees in a forest with a few light clouds over some of the trees.

When is Earth Day 2025?

This year, Earth Day is Tuesday April 22, 2025 and marks its 55th anniversary. Each year adopts a different theme to promote change, with 2025 being: Our Power, Our Planet. The official website lists a variety of ways you can get involved in Earth Day 2025, from attending events or hosting your own, to Earth Day activities and resources, like quizzes, fact sheets, and more.

A white hand putting an empty plastic bottle into a blue recycling bin.

How to Celebrate Earth Month?

If you’re inspired by the movement, there are countless ways you can celebrate Earth Month – not just in April, but throughout the year too. Here are just some suggestions on how you can take part.

1. Join the Great Global Cleanup

As its name suggests, The Great Global Cleanup is a worldwide campaign that organises and promotes local cleanups. Whether you’re keen to help individually or as a group, join forces with other likeminded people to do your bit to clean up the community. Cleanups take place all around the world throughout the year with the option to organise your own if you’d like to, or can’t find one near you. It’s a great way to show your support and improve the environment at the same time.

Two people wearing rubber gloves on a beach. One is holding a blue rubbish bag while the other puts empty two coffee cups into the bag, wearing a Volunteer t-shirt.

2. Make Small Changes to Your Diet

We’ve all heard of carbon footprint by now, but what about our “foodprint”? The food choices we make impact the planet in many ways, from production to shopping habits, food waste and more. Taking a moment to find out how our choices are affecting the environment is the first step in making small changes for the better.

Smiling white woman with dark hair wearing a yellow shirt reaching over a table full of colorful vegetables to grab a green pepper.

3. Plant a Tree

When it comes to protecting the climate, trees are invaluable. Not only do they clean the air around us by capturing carbon dioxide and pollutants, they also prevent soil erosion and provide much-needed homes for wildlife to thrive, amongst other benefits. What better way to celebrate Earth Day than planting a tree of your own? There are a range of non-profit organizations dedicated to reforestation, where you can donate to plant trees around the world from just one dollar.

Two pairs of hands putting plants with sprouting leaves into a pile of soil.

4. Help Bees & Other Pollinators

Bees, butterflies and birds, as well as a host of other insects, are all pollinators and crucial for the environment. Attracting pollinators to your garden and helping them survive is a wonderful way of giving back to the planet. This can be as easy as planting flowers that attract bees, such as sunflowers and lavender, and plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds, like Buddleja and Salvia, to name but a few. Why not give our hanging planters a go and make your own pollinator-friendly paradise?

A close-up of two bumblebees on small purple flowers on a sunny day.

5. Recycle & Reuse

Speaking of our hanging planters, there’s no better time to try our crafts than during Earth Month. Upcycling is a great way of giving things a second life and our glass pots are perfect for transforming into candle holdersflower pots and much more. If reusing items isn’t an option, Earth Month is also a great time to take a trip to your local recycling depot. Maybe you have old electronics, plastic bags or larger items that are harder to recycle at home – gather them up and reduce the strain on landfills by taking them to a depot.

While Earth Month is just one month of the year, it’s a reminder to reflect on our habits and the steps we can take towards a more sustainable future every day. It’s the little things we all do that add up to a big impact on the world around us – how will you get involved?

Three empty glass pots of Oui by Yoplait yogurt upcycled into flower pots. Each pot has a small arrangement of colorful flowers in them.